Last Friday the Primitive Pursuits training session was uphill off
Coddington Road in the woods near Ithaca College. We parked next to extensive
new-built wetlands (to replace those bulldozed to make way for new campus
buildings downslope). These brand new wetlands had been quickly overrun with
undesirable cattails (they take over and prevent amphibians – whose presence is
no doubt stipulated in the permit requirements for being allowed to destroy old
wetlands and create new ones - from flourishing etc).
Later on we walked uphill and into the woods to a clearing for a
different learning and resource-harvesting setting. The weather was cold
but clear, so we were always seeking direct sunshine to stand in, but what a
day of learning, fun and – good food!?
I had some melancholy feelings in the afternoon, standing at a
distance and watching the group – it all seemed already in the past, my life is
pushing on so fast and relentlessly. The younger ones (everyone other than I)
perhaps do not feel that time pressure so keenly – I hope not. May they (and
some of you) be cushioned by the comfortable feeling of ‘time enough for
everything’ for a while longer.
So, we –
Worked on our two-person friction kits (3 pieces of wood of
different types + a cord, used to start fires – we struggled to get a coal from
rubbed-up wood dust, then tried to get that coal to flame and become a trusty
My fave thing, was learning how to make clothespins (see the ends
of my first bark vessel, with its boiling rock and pine needle tea) out of
small chunks of honeysuckle shoot. So useful!! Invasives like honeysuckle are
fair game for harvesting but with native spp like white pines, we can only use
dead or downed materials – no harvesting of standing trees etc.
We also played games, sang songs, and continued to learn how to
teach these new skills to others, via trial teaching to the group, with
critiques. And more knife safety stuff. I am scared to death of trying to teach
knife skills to kids.
You can friend Primitive Pursuits on Facebook to learn more.